Lorena Salamanca

CNI Fellow
Undergraduate Student 
UC Merced

Project Description

By developing an educational program and advocating for community involvement, a culture of sustainability can be created. For instance, by planting school gardens, working personally with children, faculty, and families, and using social networks such as YouTube to reach larger audiences, sustainability education on food production can span from local to global. By reaching out to Merced's K-12 students, we can educate the community on sustainability and carbon neutrality around food, bringing an eco-friendly lifestyle across the community of Merced. Lorena's project will focus on UC Merced students, who will promote important sustainability factors through educational activities at local schools. Gardening is a fun and engaging activity that can help the community learn about food an dhow to reduce carbon emissions. In addition, through the EcoReps, YouTube videos will provide resources for many individuals - within classrooms or dining rooms - to learn about carbon neutrality and creating sustainable habits that will last a lifetime.